Healthy Lifestyle and sustained weight loss pathway- Experience power of Lifestyle Medicine
I was able to lose almost 40 lbs, was able to normalize my HbA1c and Cholesterol in a limited amount of time with evidence based Lifestyle Medicine strategies and while still working full time as Physician and taking care of my house and kids.
No calorie counting! No Supplements! No Meds!
No Gym time!
This on line course is self paced based on evidence based Lifestyle Medicine strategies, where you will learn WHY, HOW and WHAT to do for sustained weight loss and healthy lifestyle.
TESTIMONIAL from Shanti Karthik who completed my online course, says "Gill Lifestyle medical and Wellness is a beautiful theory. I am very skeptical on any courses that talk about weight loss, I always think of long-term health more than weight loss, it's my trust on Dr. Nabiha that encouraged me to join the class. I enjoyed the lessons and the teachings of the class, its truly the only way one should be losing weight, by changing one's life style, I call this "art of living for one's health", Gill Lifestyle teaches you how to take care of one's health and weight loss is a bonus that is a part and parcel of how well you handle what you eat and stay active. Along with weight loss, this also teaches you on how plant-based food gives you all the required vitamins and energy one needs and improves the quality of life. "
Course Curriculum
- Whole Food Plant-Based diet- for weight loss and healthy lifestyle (12:21)
- Common Diet Myths (5:49)
- How to Read Food Labels (4:54)
- Grocery Shopping Tips (4:23)
- Quick, Easy, Plant-Based Recipes (13:22)
- ACLM Food as Medicine Jumpstart PDF
- ACLM Whole Food Plant Based Eating on Budget PDF
- ACLM Whole Food Plant Based Plate PDF
- ACLM Nutrition Myths PDF
- ACLM Plant protein vs Animal protein
- Compare Different Famous Diets (5:34)
- Healthy Cooking Tips (6:24)
- Addressing Potential Barriers to Sustain Healthy Nutrition and Weight Loss Plan and Making Relapse Plan (10:36)
- Healthy Diet Tips for Athletes (2:36)
- Additional Healthy Eating Tips (5:18)
- ACLM Optimize effective immune response to infections PDF
My Intro
Hi, I am Dr. Nabiha Gill, Founder of Gill Lifestyle Medical and Wellness, Founding member Indiana lifestyle medicine Network. I have almost 20 years experience in medical practice with Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Wholistic and Integrative management, interdisciplinary pain rehab, chronic disease management/pain/obesity, whole health expertise, Lifestyle Medicine expertise with board certification with American Board of Lifestyle Medicine and Whole Food Plant based nutrition certified and personal successful experience of reversing prediabetes, hyperlipidemia and losing almost 40 lbs with Lifestyle Medicine interventions. I am member of American College of Lifestyle Medicine and Indiana Lifestyle Medicine Network.
Happy to help others with evidence based Lifestyle Medicine interventions education and wellness awareness and inspiration with personal success story and journey.
Please see links: references below for studies how and why Lifestyle Medicine is the key to prevent/reverse chronic diseases and also the key to get out of this pandemic.
1. AMA Press release April/26/21- 6 Lifestyle changes patients should make to prevent heart disease
2. The combined effects of healthy lifestyle behaviors on all cause mortality: a systematic review and meta-Analysis
Prev Med. 2012 Sep;55(3):163-70
3. Association of major dietary protein sources with all cause mortality: Prospective cohort study
Yangho Sun et, al; Journal of American Heart Association;24, Feb 2021
4. Ultra processed food intake and and cardiovascular disease incidence in Framingham Offspring Study
Juul, F, et al. J Am Coll Cardiology. 2021;77(12):1520-31
5. Coronavirus disease 2019 hospitalizations attributable to cardio metabolic conditions in the US: A comparative risk assessment analysis
Meghan O’Hearn et, al; Journal of American Heart Association;25,Feb 2021
6. WHO backed report released in March 2021 concludes that 9 out of 10 COVID deaths have occurred in country with high obesity level
Source: Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource center, WHO Global Health Observatory
7. Do an altered Gut Microbiota and an associated leaky gut affect COVID-19 severity. Heenam Kim et, al; American Society for Microbiology, Jan.Feb 2021
8. Alteration in Gut Microbiota of Patients with COVID-19 during time of hospitalization
Zuo et al; Gastroentrology, May 19 2020
9. Reduction in the incidence of type 2 Diabetes with Lifestyle interventions or Metformin- Diabetes Prevention Program Research Group. William C Knowler at al; 346(6):393, Feb,7,2002, NEJM
10. Health effects of dietary risks in 195 countries, 1995-2017: a systematic analysis for the global burden of disease study 2017
The Lancet, vol 393, issue 10184, P1958-1972, May 11 2019
11. Less than 3 percent of Americans live a healthy lifestyle- May clinic proceedings, April 2016, Vol 91, Issue 4, Pages 432-444
12. Diet is the leading cause of chronic disease and disability. JAMA. 2013; 310(6):591-606