Welcome to Gill Lifestyle Medical and Wellness page

Lifestyle Medicine is the use of whole food, plant predominant dietary lifestyle, regular physical activity, restorative sleep, stress management, avoidance of risky substances and positive social connections as a primary therapeutic modality for treatment of chronic diseases.

We offer educational on line courses, CME/CE courses, weekend wellness retreats, live workshops, zoom coaching sessions on variety of topics in Lifestyle medicine, plant-based nutrition, weight loss and wellness.

Please scroll down to bottom of this page for links of all active online courses and coaching for further detail, curriculum and registration information.

We offer on line courses for individuals who want to learn about adopting healthy lifestyle. We also provide virtual Wellness and Lifestyle Medicine educational workshops and on line courses for employers for their employee wellness initiatives.

Please follow us on Instagram NabihaGill and Facebook page Gill Lifestyle Medicine and wellness.

Let's begin healthy lifestyle and wellness journey together!

TESTIMONIAL from Shanti Karthik who completed my online course, says "Gill Lifestyle medical and Wellness is a beautiful theory. I am very skeptical on any courses that talk about weight loss, I always think of long-term health more than weight loss, it's my trust on Dr. Nabiha that encouraged me to join the class. I enjoyed the lessons and the teachings of the class, its truly the only way one should be losing weight, by changing one's life style, I call this "art of living for one's health", Gill Lifestyle teaches you how to take care of one's health and weight loss is a bonus that is a part and parcel of how well you handle what you eat and stay active. Along with weight loss, this also teaches you on how plant-based food gives you all the required vitamins and energy one needs and improves the quality of life. "

Testimonial from successful client


“I have made leaps and bounds with my care and have lost nearly 50 lbs and many many inches in just few weeks with the guidance and amazing care with Dr. Gill I have been eating for Whole Food Plant Based diet since the beginning of May 2021 where this diet and exercise has allowed me to feel tremendously healthier.

For example along with the significant weight loss, I have also been monitoring my Blood Pressure which has decreased without the use of medication, also got off cholesterol medication. I have also had no need for my reflux medicine anymore.

I have not had any adverse or unusual symptoms in relation to my stopping both BP and Reflux medicine. I am amazed how this lifestyle change and eating Whole Food Plant Based has impacted my health and life.”

Hi, I am Dr. Nabiha Gill. I have more than 20 years of experience in healthcare. I am founder of Gill Lifestyle Medical and wellness. I am American Board Certified in Lifestyle Medicine, certified in whole food plant based nutrition and certified plant based chef. I have personal successful experience of losing almost 40 lbs with lifestyle medicine interventions. I am member of American college of Lifestyle Medicine and Founding member of Indiana Lifestyle Medicine Network. I'm happy to help others with evidence based Lifestyle medicine interventions, education and wellness strategies, and inspiration with my personal success story.